Spot On
Spot On is a term from the U.K. that means absolutely correct or exactly what is needed and offers two channels * Inspirations - Topics of spiritual nature including the Generations podcast series. * Creative Christians- A podcast about Creative people who happen to be Christians.
Inspirations_0002 Generations- Stages A generational podcast where three generations of Christian women share their thoughts about different issues and aspects of life.

There are many stages in life, each women discusses their stage.  Women of all ages will find similarities to their stage in life.
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon-Christina Diliberto- Barbara Ingersoll

Listening time approximately 28 minutes

 Chris 23 discusses going away to college, graduating, being on your own and breaking away.  The emotions involved in the breaking away from your parents and the difficulty both for child and parent.  She doesn't feel like she thought she would feel when being called "an adult.” And describes her stage as a journey toward her purpose. 

Bridgette 47 Discusses being in the middle stage, trying to help her daughter as she enters adulthood, and her mother as she works through physical trauma losing her home and independence. She desires to look over her life and her accomplishments yet she knows she will soon enter her mothers stage of life losing those things that she has worked so hard for, as well as perhaps her health and longs to be prepared. 

Barbara 72 Talks about having to give her belongings away to move into assisted living and the grieving process of letting go.  She offers a prayer for all women, especially those who are hurting.

All the women  talk about the importance of finding a home church and the differences in the churches that each generation goes to. They offer suggestions for fellowship.

Bridgette attends St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Houston
Chris attends Church on the Move in Tulsa

Barbara attended Full Gospel Tabernacle in West New York but is presently praying that God will find a way for her to get to a church since her move.

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PLEASE NOTE:  You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast.  We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts.  Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.

Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0002_Generations-_Stages_in_life.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:56pm CST