Thu, 30 August 2012
Bridgette Mongeon speaks with Kim Hundl and Shirley Skidmore about how they prepared their sons for the college dorm life, and how they continue to support their sons while they are away. To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0136_Generations-Peparing_for_the_dorm_life.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Sun, 19 August 2012
Bridgette Mongeon speaks with two guests Shirley Skidmore and Kim Hundl who are both going through a transition in life. They are helping their grown children prepare to leave home for college.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0135_Generations-Helping_our_kids_leave_home.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Thu, 2 August 2012
Bridgette Mongeon speaks with writer Victoria Reynolds about the spiritual abuse she suffered from childhood. Victoria explains how kept her from embracing her creative self.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0134_Creative_Christians-Spiritual_abuse_and_creativity.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Tue, 31 July 2012
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0133_Creative_Christians-Self_publishing-tips.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Thu, 19 July 2012
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0132_Inspirations-Women_of_Uncommon_Strength.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Thu, 12 July 2012
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0131_Creative_Christians-Tips_on_blogging_and_the_Houston_visiting_authors.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Fri, 29 June 2012
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0130_Creative_Christian-Learn_about_marketing_in_the_arts.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 1:20pm CST |
Mon, 18 June 2012
SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon chats with Children's book author and artist Donna Perugini about writing, and the creative process.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0129_Creative_Christian-Creativity_with_author_and_artist_Donna_Perugini.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Thu, 7 June 2012
Saraj Shah and host Bridgette Mongeon talk about bereavement support, loss in their lives and how each has used their own faith and support to work through grief and help others.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0128_Inspirations-Generations-Fathers_day_grief_and_bereavement_support.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Fri, 1 June 2012
John David Mann talks with Host Bridgette Mongeon about the 5 laws of business found in the bestselling book The Go-Giver.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0127_Creative_Christians_-Learn_How_To_Be_A_Go-Giver.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:12am CST |
Thu, 17 May 2012
In our previous podcast South African journalist Charlene Smith discussed how God allowed miracles to come out of some of her greatest pain of rape. In this podcast she talks about her book "Whispers On My Skin" and how to heal after a rape. The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0126_Generations-Touch_and_Healing_After_Rape.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Wed, 9 May 2012
God can use every pain to his glory and to help others. South African journalist Charlene Smith talks with Hosts Bridgette about South Africa, her work as a journalist working with Nelson Mandela, and many other influential people of South Africa. Charlene discusses how she was able to take one of the most difficult experience in her life— a rape and a stabbing and use it for good, making a difference for women world wide. "What happened to me helped to create miracles. " "Pain allows us to access power and strength that we did not know we had in us, until something bad happens to us and we have to fight to live the lives we deserve, and that is when we become remarkable. " The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0125_Generations-Miracles_Through_Pain.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Mon, 30 April 2012
Hosts Bridgette Mongeon talks with Pianist Luke Rackers about the silence in the music. His faith and the worship in the creative process.
The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0124_Creative_Christians-The_importance_of_the_silence_in_the_music.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 7:28pm CST |
Mon, 23 April 2012
Hosts Bridgette Mongeon and Christian Sizemore felt that since the misconceptions concerning atheists was a topic from last interview with Mike de la Flor, it might be a good idea to talk about some of the misconceptions about Christians. The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0123_Generations-Misconceptions_about_Christians.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Wed, 18 April 2012
Learning about others who are different from ourselves is important. Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to Mike de la Flor about the misconceptions that individuals have about atheists. The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0122_Generations-Misconceptions_about_atheists.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Mon, 2 April 2012
This podcast talks about how important and far reaching prayer can be. The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0121-Planting_seeds_and_Residual_Prayer-Rebroadcasting.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Sat, 31 March 2012
This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012. Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 5 of 5 The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0120_Generations-addiction_and_healing_of_families._5-5.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:23pm CST |
Sat, 31 March 2012
This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012. Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 3 of 5 The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0119_Generations-addiction_and_healing_of_families._4-5.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:17pm CST |
Sat, 31 March 2012
This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012. Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 3 of 5 The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0118_Generations-addiction_and_healing_of_families._3-5.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:49pm CST |
Wed, 29 February 2012
Show Notes This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012. Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 2 of 5 The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0117_Generations-addiction_and_healing_of_families._2-5.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:59am CST |
Mon, 20 February 2012
Show Notes Barbara And Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 1 of 5 The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0116_Generations-addiction_and_healing_of_families._1-5.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Mon, 6 February 2012
Show Notes Barbara And Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Introduction The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0115_Inspirations-_Generations-addiction_and_healing_of_families..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Fri, 27 January 2012
SHOW NOTES: What is it like to go back to school and graduate when you children are having children? The tables are turned as co host Christina Sizemore interviews host Bridgette Mongeon about her pending graduation and what it is like to go back to school. Bridgette has kept a journal of her entire educational process, from figuring out how to apply to undergrad to graduating with her masters. The jorunal can be found at The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0114_Generations-_Going_back_to_school_-as_a_non_traditional_student.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:40pm CST |
Mon, 16 January 2012
SHOW NOTES: God says we are the clay and he is the potter, just what does that mean? Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with fellow sculptor Shirley Scarpetta Skidmore about the clay in the master's hands The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0113_Creative_Christians-The_Potters_Hands.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Tue, 3 January 2012
SHOW NOTES: From time to time we bring our former cohost back. Barbara Ingersoll, who passed away in 2009, returns through the words of her journals. The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0112_Generations-_A_Visit_from_Barara_Ingersoll.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Tue, 20 December 2011
SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon and Father Bill Laucher talk about Las Posadas, a hispanic celebration of Christmas. Want to start doing Posadas at your church? Here is how. We at St. Alban's Episcopal church Houston would also like to invite you to our final Posada. The final Posada is held on Saturday the 24th of December (Christmas Eve) at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 420 Woodard at Helmers beginning at 6:30 This service will be bilingual 713-692-3080 The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0111_Geneations-_Las_Posadas.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 2:52pm CST |
Thu, 8 December 2011
SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with poet, priest and songwriter Malcom Guite about the origination and use of the "Great O" Antiphons within the church. He is writing sonnets to each of the Antiphons used the 7 days before Christmas and inlcuding them with both the Latin song and the English translation on his blog. These Antiphons can deepen the meaning and experience of Advent. O Clavis David (O Key of David) O Oriens (O Dayspring) O Rex Gentium (O King of the nations) O Emmanuel (O God is with Us) You can visit Malcom's blog by following the links above for each blog post. He is posting them every few days as a celebration of Advent. Each post includes an audio recording of the chant both in Latin and in English as well as an audio of Malcom reciting his Sonnets. [caption id="attachment_149" align="alignright" width="197" caption="To listen to this podcast simply press this button. Listening time approximately 25 minutes. The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0110_Creative_Christians-_Great_O__Antiphons_with_Malcolm_Guite.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 6:14pm CST |
Wed, 7 December 2011
1. Worship 2. Spend Less 3. Give More 4. Love All For more information about the advent conspiracy check out the website which offers many different graphics and sources for churches and organizations to download, it can be found at If you need some creative ideas about how to change how you do Christmas, to make if feel more meaningful, check out their other site If you are interested in learning more about Advent Conspiracy in a study group they do have a book and a DVD Would you like to use this podcast on your blog or website? Just copy the following link. HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0109_Creative_Christians-The_Advent_Conspiracy.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:05pm CST |
Tue, 29 November 2011
Listening time approximately 29 Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0108_Generations-Adult_Orphan_Grief_with_Alicia_King.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Tue, 22 November 2011
Listening time approximately 30 Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0107_Creative_Christians-An_interview_with_Holly_Ordway.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Wed, 9 November 2011
Host Bridgette talks with author Carolyn Curtis about the C.S Lewis South West Regional Retreat and Writers Workshop and ways to improve your writing. 28 minutes
Listening time approximately 28 Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0106_Creative_Christians-An_interview_with_Carolyn_Curtis.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Wed, 19 October 2011
SHOW NOTES Angela Hunt will be joining the CS Lewis Writer Conference as one of their main speakers. Listen to some helpful tips on writing from Angela Hunt. Listening time approximately 21 Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0105_Creative_Christians_An_interview_with_Angel_Hunt.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Sun, 17 July 2011
SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon Talks with radio personality, author and marketer, Time Sinclair about his book Branded - Sharing Jesus with a Consumer Culture. Also don't forget this month we are giving away lots of things in celebration of our 100th podcast. To find out how to submit your name for the chance to win some of the free items available through our 100th celebration please check out this post CELEBRATE with us. 100 podcasts! Here is how to win great stuff! Tim is donating one of his books as well.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0104_Creative_Christians-Branded-Sharing_Jesus_with_Consumer_Culture.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 7:38pm CST |
Sat, 16 July 2011
SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon and Christian Sizemore interview author, writer and scholar Elizabeth Drescher about her book,Tweet if you ♥Jesus; Practicing Church in the Digital Reformation. Were Paul's letters like a blog? Together the women examine the church and the changes that are happening through social marketing. Also don't forget this month we are giving away lots of things in celebration of our 100th podcast. To find out how to submit your name for the chance to win some of the free items available through our 100th celebration please check out this post CELEBRATE with us. 100 podcasts! Here is how to win great stuff! Elizabeth is donating her book as well. Listening time approximately 34 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0103_Creative_Christians-Tweeting_and_the_church.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:31pm CST |
Sat, 16 July 2011
HOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon and Christian Sizemore interviews Andres Barnes about digital technology and the church. He is also going to be offering some free consultation and has donated his book to our 100th podcast anniversary giveaway. To find out how to submit your name for the chance to win some of the free items available through our 100th celebration please check out this post CELEBRATE with us. 100 podcasts! Here is how to win great stuff! Listening time approximately 29 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0102_Creative_Christians-Social_media_for_the_church_and_ministry.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:18pm CST |
Thu, 30 June 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host sBridgette Mongeon and Christina Sizemore take time to Celebrate their 100 podcast. Celebrating with them is some of their guests as they giveaway CD's, Books, art, and much more. Listen to podast to learn about how to win or visit the facebook page for God's Word Collectibles and podcasts. Listening time approximately 29 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0101_Inspiration-Celebration_of_100_podcasts_and_more_to_give_away.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:40pm CST |
Wed, 22 June 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to author Robin Brande about Christians who believe in evolution and her young adult book Evolution, Me and Other Freaks of Nature. Listening time approximately 45 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0099_Creative_Christians-_Evolution_vs_Creationism_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 6:34pm CST |
Wed, 22 June 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host sBridgette Mongeon and Christina Sizemore take time to Celebrate their 100 podcast. Celebrating with them is some of their guests as they giveaway CD's, Books, art, and much more. Listen to podast to learn about how to win or visit the facebook page for God's Word Collectibles and podcasts. Listening time approximately 31 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0100_Inspiration-Celebrating_100_podcast_and_a_giveaways.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Mon, 16 May 2011
SHOW NOTES- The author and host talk about novels, a crisis of faith and family and what Christian teens are looking for in publishing. Listening time approximately 34 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0098_Creative_Christians-Interview_with_Author_Sara_Zarr.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:09pm CST |
Mon, 16 May 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host Bridgette Mongeon interviews author Darcy Pattison about her workshops and her book, Novel Metamorphosis. Together they explore the uncommon ways to revise a novel and how to do it in a workshop or with a small group. Listening time approximately 24.58 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0097_Creative_Christians-Novel_Metamorphosis.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:09pm CST |
Tue, 3 May 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with literary agent Chip MacGregor, about the changes in publishing for Christian authors and the guidelines of publishing, as well as crossover Christian authors. Listening time approximately 43.50 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0096_Creative_Christian-Questions_about_publishing_for_Christian_Authors.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Mon, 18 April 2011
SHOW NOTES: Second Baptist Church-Houston creates a viral video "Dance Your Shoes Off." This is an interview with Steven Seelig. Listening time approximately 18 minutes HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0095_Generations-_Dance_Your_Shoes_Off.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:29pm CST |
Wed, 6 April 2011
SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon and her husband Mike de la Flor revealed in the last podcast that they are a divided family spiritual. Bridgette is Christian with a ministry and Mike has decided that he does not believe and labels himself as a nonbeliever or atheist. Can they live together in harmony? The two discuss the problems and resolutions in their own marriage and family. Listening time approximately 20 minutes HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0094_Generations-Will_we_stay_married___An_atheist_and_Christian_union.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 3:13pm CST |
Fri, 1 April 2011
SHOW NOTES- SHOW NOTES: Host Bridgette Mongeon and her husband Mike de la Flor reveal elements of the personal life that very few know. Bridgette Mongeon is the host of the inspiration Generation podcast as well as the Creative Christian Podcast. She is also has a ministry within the creation of the God's Word collectible sculpture series. A few years back, her husband, Mike de la Flor,began the process of reevaluating his life and beliefs. Now has come to the decision that he is a non-believer or atheist. Together the couple talk about this difficult transformation in Mike's life and the journey they take together. Listening time approximately 26 minutes HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0093_Generations-Christian_host_interviews_her_atheist_husband_for_the_first_time.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Tue, 29 March 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with author John Shore about his books, the publishing industry and e-publishing. Listening time approximately 32.16 minutes
HOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0092_Creative_Christians-E-publishing_and_new_trends_in_publishing.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 6:42pm CST |
Tue, 15 March 2011
SHOW NOTES- Hosts Christina and Bridgette talk about getting past your fear and changing difficult circumstances. Listening time approximately 17 minutes
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0091_Generations-Get_past_your_fear_do_the_right_thing.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Mon, 7 March 2011
SHOW NOTES- Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with Rev. Bill Laucher from her home church, St. Alban's in Houston, Texas about how the physical church needs to change, regroup or it will dissolve. Listening time approximately 26 minutes
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0090_Generations-The_physical_church_needs_to_change_regroup_or_die.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Wed, 23 February 2011
SHOW NOTES- Malcolm Guite and host Bridgette Mongeon met at the C.S. Lewis conference. In this podcast they talk about C.S. Lewis, faith, music, inspiration and atheism. We wish you all a very creative and safe New Year. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Listening time approximately 40 minutes
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0089_Inspiration_Generation-_Interview_with_poet_singer-songwriter_Malcolm_Guite..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 7:48pm CST |
Sat, 1 January 2011
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0088_Inspiration_Generation-_Looking_back_over_2010_and_forward_to_2011.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 1:32pm CST |
Sat, 1 January 2011
SHOW NOTES- As a new segment of our podcasts we are interviewing different Christian musical artists of the 70′s or what is referred to as “The Jesus Movement.” We are calling this segment A Reunion of Faith. This was mentioned in a previous blog post Turning 50 and podcasting- Thinking back to... This is our first in this series with Musician Chuck Girard. Chuck talks about his experiences in the 60′s and 70′s that brought him to know God. Love Song was one of my personal favorite groups that I listened to in the 70′s. I was thrilled to share this with Chuck and look forward to further podcasts allowing us to look back on the beginnings. Chuck Girard’s Website- Be sure to check out some of the free items Chuck has on his website. The Love Song Band Website Be sure to check out their site about the tour, and if your church wants to host a Love Song Concert there is information on the site. Oh please won’t someone host one in Houston, Texas? Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon
Listening time approximately 54 minutes.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0087_Inspiration_Generations_-_Reunion_of_Faith_With_Chuck_Girard_from_Love_Song.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:46am CST |
Thu, 16 December 2010
SHOW NOTES- The season of advent is a time of spiritual wating and anticipation. Hosts Christina Sizemore and Bridgette Mongeon share their thoughts and prayers in this reflective time. Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon
Listening time approximately 20 minutes.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0086_Creative_Christians-_C.S._Lewis_Writers_retreat_coordinator_Nan_Rinella..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Sun, 5 December 2010
SHOW NOTES- The season of advent is a time of spiritual wating and anticipation. Hosts Christina Sizemore and Bridgette Mongeon share their thoughts and prayers in this reflective time. Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon
Listening time approximately 15 minutes.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0085_Inspiration_Generation-_Advent_and_anticipation.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Sat, 27 November 2010
SHOW NOTES- I met Andrew Lazo at the C. S. Lewis Writers conference this past month. He was an entertaining man and wonderful speaker, and very knowledgeable about everything C. S. Lewis. I asked him to come on the show to fill in some gaps and answer some questions for me about this wonderful man, the Chronicles of Narnia. Questions we ponder in the podcast.
Books that Andrew mentions in the podcast.
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon
Listening time approximately 35 minutes.
Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0084_Creative_Christians_A_discussion_on__C._S._Lewis_the_Chronicles_of_Narnia_and_more.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 1:05pm CST |
Fri, 26 November 2010
SHOW NOTES- I met Andrew Lazo at the C. S. Lewis Writers conference this past month. He was an entertaining man and wonderful speaker, and very knowledgeable about everything C. S. Lewis. I asked him to come on the show to fill in some gaps and answer some questions for me about this wonderful man, the Chronicles of Narnia. Questions we ponder in the podcast.
Books that Andrew mentions in the podcast.
-- posted at: 8:30pm CST
Fri, 26 November 2010
SHOW NOTES Host Bridgette Mongeon and Christian Sizemore from time to time share their hope and inspiration of the third co host Barbara Ingersoll. Today they talk about Faith, Dying to self and trusting God as they share their thoughts and words. An excerpt from Barbara Ingersoll's journal. Listening time approximately 32 minutes "Since you permit all things in my life Father. It is by Your divine will and ordering that each and every person that comes into the radius of my being, is there. You allow or send each one for your purpose, for your honor and glory."Barbara's JournalMarch 18th 1983
Barbara Ingersoll- was the third host of the Inspirations/Generations podcast. She was the inspiration behind the ministry of this podcast. The podcast began as a way for an invalid women to continue to minister. It was her hope that her life and struggles would speak to others.
She was also the third generation in the "Generations of Christian Women who share their thoughts about different issues and aspects of life." As the mother of cohost Bridgette Mongeon and the grandmother of cohost Christian Sizemore she has left nearly 40 years of journals. From time to time the women continue their conversations with Barbara Ingersoll by sharing her journal entries. To read more about Barbara visit the host bios web page on the website. Barbara Ingersoll- Year of birth 1935 —2009
Resides in Heaven
Listening time approximately 30.18 Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0083_Generations_-_Trusting_in_God_looking_back_with_Barbs_journal.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:04pm CST |
Tue, 9 November 2010
Listening time approximately 22.47 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0082_Creative_Christians_Resurection_Sunday_Dance.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:24pm CST |
Wed, 27 October 2010
SHOW NOTES Take the writers challenge for the month of November. An interview with Lindsey Grant Program director at NANOWRIMO National Novel Writing Month and Nina Amir with WNFIN Write Non Fiction in November. Come along with us and take the November writing challenge. Learn how, gain support, and have a great time kicking your writing into gear. Learn how to encourage teens and classrooms to participate. Listening time approximately 32.29 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0081_Creative_Christians_Take_the_November_Writing_Challenge.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 11:04am CST |
Thu, 7 October 2010
SHOW NOTES Hosts Bridgette and Christiana, talk with Dr. Suz about creative jealousy in families. How can parents help their creative children? (Please also note we have left in the blooper in the beginning of this podcast) Listening time approximately 24.31 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0080_Creative_Christians-_Can_there_be_creative_jealousy_in_a_family_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 2:27pm CST |
Fri, 1 October 2010
SHOW NOTES Host Bridgette Mongeon introduces some wonderful resources for creative and sacred times for self and bible study. Author Margaret McGee talks about her two books Haiku - The Sacred Art: A Spiritual Practice in Three Lines and Sacred Attention: A Spiritual Practice for Finding God in the Moment. Listening time approximately 34.13 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0079_Generations-_An_interview_with_Margarete_McGee_on_sacred_attention_and_also_haiku..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 12:00pm CST |
Wed, 29 September 2010
SHOW NOTES Hosts Bridgette and Christiana, talk with Dr. Suz about going outside your box with your creativity and your walk with God. Listening time approximately 22.54 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0078_Creative_Christians-_Thinking_outside_of_your_box_with_Dr._Suz.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 11:00pm CST |
Fri, 10 September 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0077 GENERATIONS-Are you having issues with God?
The series "Journeying Though Grief" was given to the Host Bridgette Mongeon after the death of her mother and cohost. An interview with Dr. Haugk from Stephen Ministries about grief and this wonderful series. Listening time approximately 29.34 minutess
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0077_Generations-Help_for_those_Grieving-Dr._Haugk_of_Stephen_Ministries..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 11:39am CST |
Fri, 3 September 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0076 GENERATIONS-Are you having issues with God?
Jerry Desobe from the Kris Samaratin Center talks about a special counseling that reflects on the issues revolving around faith and your walk with God. Listening time approximately 26.32 minutess
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0076_Generations-Are_you_having_issues_with_faith_or_God_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 11:28am CST |
Tue, 24 August 2010
INSPIRATIONS_0075 Interview from Taize France SHOW NOTES Brother David talks about the experience of Taize and the draw it is having on young people. Come closer to God through the meditation and prayer of Taize. Listening time approximately 30.25 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0075__Generations_-_An_Interview_from_Taize_France.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:36pm CST |
Tue, 17 August 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0074 GENERATIONS-Where was God in my rape?
A brave and wonderful testimony from Andrea Gess about her forgiving her rapist and receiving emotional and physical healing. Are you feeling burdened or hurt and wondering where is God? This testimony will lift you. Listening time approximately 25.57 minutess
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0074_Generations_-_Where_was_God_in_my_rape_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:19pm CST |
Wed, 4 August 2010
Creative Christians- Dr. Suz and visualizing your creativity SHOW NOTES Dr. Suz talks with Bridgette and Christiana, about visualizing and embracing your creativity, the difficulties and helpful suggestions. Hosts Bridgette Mongeon and Christian Sizemore. Listening time approximately 17.13 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0073_Creative_Christian-Visualizing_your_creativity_and_Dr._Suz..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 3:00pm CST |
Wed, 7 July 2010
INSPIRATIONS_0072 Creative Christian-Tips and tricks for writers with Sandy Tritt SHOW NOTES Creative Christian- Writer, Sandy Tritt shares tips and tricks for writers, along with the writer's prayer. Listening time approximately 30.25 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0072_Creative_Christian-Tips_and_tricks_for_writers_with_Sandy_Tritt.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:34pm CST |
Mon, 5 July 2010
INSPIRATIONS_0071 Creative Christian-Creative Angst and Dr. Suz.
SHOW NOTES Hosts Bridgette and Christina talk to Dr.Suz, Christina about creative angst and how to welcome it, use it and transform it into glorifying God. Listening time approximately 25.56 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0071_Creative_Christian-Creative_Angst_and_Dr._Suz..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:32pm CST |
Thu, 1 July 2010
INSPIRATIONS_0070 Generations-Barbara's Journal and the fruit of the Spirit
SHOW NOTES Hosts Bridgette and Christina talk about the fruit of the Spirit as they read from Barbara's jounal. Listening time approximately 16.17 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0070_Generations-Barbaras_Journal_and_the_fruit_of_the_Spirit.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:30pm CST |
Wed, 30 June 2010
INSPIRATIONS_0069 Creative Christian-Susan Sparks, comedian and minister.
SHOW NOTES Christian Comedian and Baptist minister Susan Sparks talks about laughter, comedy and creativity. Listening time approximately 23.54 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0069_Creative_Christian-Susan_Sparks_Comedian_and_minister..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:27pm CST |
Mon, 14 June 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0068 Creative Christians-An introduction to Dr. Suz.
SHOW NOTES Meet Dr. Susy Caroll, an expert in the field of intelligece & creatvity, joins the Creative Christians podcast as a regular guest. Listening time approximately 13.40 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0068_Creative_Christian-An_introduction_to_Dr._Suz..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:25pm CST |
Wed, 2 June 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0067 Creative Christians-How to make money as a freelance writer
SHOW NOTES Hosts Bridgette Mongeon, and Christian Sizemore talk to Janice Hanna Thompson about marketing and making money as a freelance writer. Listening time approximately 26.03 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0067_Creative_Christians_How_to_make_money_as_a_writer..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:27pm CST |
Fri, 14 May 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0066 GENERATIONS-Interview with Janic Hann Thompson
SHOW NOTES Hosts Bridgette Mongeon, and Christian Sizemore talk to Janice Hanna Thompson about marketing and making money as a freelance writer. Listening time approximately 26.03 minutess Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0066_Inspirations_Generations-Interview_Janice_Hanna_Thompson.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:15am CST |
Mon, 10 May 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0065 Creative Christians -Should I self publish?
Are you thinking about self publishing? Here is a great resource to help you sort through the details. Hosts Bridgette Mongeon and Christina Sizemore Interview Mark Levine The author of "The Fine Print on Self-Publishing" The book discusses the Contracts & Services of 45 Self-Publishing companies Ranked , Analyzed & Exposed Listening time approximately 33 minutess
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0065_Creative_Christian-_Should_I_self_publish_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:20pm CST |
Fri, 7 May 2010
In honor of mother's day, and in memory of my mother and Chris Grandmother, our co host, Barbara Ingersoll, who passed away last year we are rebroadcasting this mother's day podcast from last year. Ironically it was about not having your mother at mother's day. We miss you Barbara Ingersoll. May the Lord be with everyone who is missing someone this special day.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0029_Generations-Mothers_Day_-_Happy_or_Hurting.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 6:28pm CST |
Thu, 29 April 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0064 GENERATIONS-First Year of Marriage
Hosts Bridgette Mongeon and Christina Sizemore talk about first year of marriage, working with youth and those things surrounding Christina's generation. Listening time approximately 25.57 minutess
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: NSPIRATIONS_0064_Inspirations_Generations-First_year_of_marriage_Youth_ministry_and_changes.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 8:07pm CST |
Sun, 4 April 2010
INSPIRATIONS Creative Christians 0063
Creative Christians Creativity Through Mother loss- Podcast SHOW NOTES
Three creative women- Host Bridgette Mongeon, author Nancy Wesson and photographer and author Megan Cutter talk about their creativity after "Mother Loss." Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon
Listening time approximately 23.41minutes
Three creative women- Host Bridgette Mongeon, author Nancy Wesson and photographer and author Megan Cutter talk about their creativity after "Mother Loss." Nancy Wesson is author of "Moving Your Aging Parents- Fulfilling their needs and yours before, during and after the move." Megan Cutter is author of "Chrysalis Colors of the Rainbow: A Journey Through Mother Loss."
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0063_Creative_Christians-_Creativity_through__Mother_Loss_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 7:30pm CST |
Fri, 2 April 2010
INSPIRATIONS 0062 GENERATIONS-Transformation After Mother Loss- Podcast
SHOW NOTES Host Bridgette Mongeon, author Nancy Wesson, and author and photographer Megan Cutter talk about the empowering transformation of “Mother Loss.” Nancy Wesson is author of "Moving Your Aging Parents- Fulfilling their needs and yours before, during and after the move." Megan Cutter is author of "Chrysalis Colors of the Rainbow: A Journey Through Mother Loss." Mongeon
Listening time approximately 28.12 minutess
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0062_Inspirations_Generations-Transformation_after__Mother_Loss_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 7:22pm CST |
Tue, 30 March 2010
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon- Interview with Barbara McVicker
Listening time approximately 35.29 minutes
Bridgette speakes with author Barbara McVicker about her book "Stuck in the Middle- Shared Stories and Tips for Care Giving Your Elderly Parents."
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0061_Inspirations_Generations-_Helping_elderly_parents-Stuck_in_the_middle.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:44pm CST |
Wed, 17 March 2010
SHOW NOTES Creative Christian Interview Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0060_Creative_Christians-It_is_all_fun_and_games.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 2:18pm CST |
Sat, 6 March 2010
INSPIRATIONS Creative Christians 0059 Creative Christian Interview Scott Hamilton
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 47.58
Olympic gold medal winner, author and entertainer, Scott Hamilton talks about the 2010 Olympics, his upcoming show on the Biography Channel, and book “The Great Eight.” Always an entertainer the podcast is filled with laughter and optimism as he shares information about his beating cancer. How does he feel about doing his famous back flip at 51? Does he do it on his television show? Listen to this entertaining Creative Christians interview sponsored by God’s Word Collectibles.
Scott Hamilton on the Biography Channel 9:00PM March 8th, 2010. “Return to the Ice”
Scott Hamilton’s Short Program for the 1984 Olympics Scott Hamilton’s Long form for the 1984 Olympics And some of my favorite skating videos showing Scott Hamilton’s vivacious and entertaining personality on ice. He is one of the greatest! 1997 Scott Hamiiton and Kurt Browning Upside Down & Move It 2002 Stars on Ice Scott Hamiton Figaro ( Barber Seville) Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0059_Creative_Christians-_Scott_Hamilton.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 2:54pm CST |
Thu, 25 February 2010
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore - Interview with Danny Kofke
Listening time approximately 46.38 minutes
The financial theme continues in an interview with author Danny Kofke about hints from his book, “How to survive and perhaps thrive on a teachers salary.”
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0058_Generations-_Tips_on_finances.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:34pm CST |
Fri, 19 February 2010
INSPIRATIONS GENERATIONS 0057 Teaching our Children Finances
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore - Interview with Theresa Reitz
Listening time approximately 34.39 minutes
How can we teach our children about money? There is a great resource in this interview with Author Theresa Reitz about her book, “The Money Tree: A financial Book for Children.”
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0057_Generations-Teaching_our_children_about_finances.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:32pm CST |
Tue, 16 February 2010
INSPIRATIONS GENERATIONS 0056 Barbara's Journal- Hearing wisdom and power of words.
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore -Barbara Ingersoll's Journal
Listening time approximately 14.43 minutes
The two hosts share from Barbara's Journal about Hearing wisdom and the power of words. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0056_Generations-_Barbaras_Journal-_Listening_for_wisdom.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:28pm CST |
Sun, 24 January 2010
INSPIRATIONS Creative Christians 0055
Creative Christian Interview Dennis Welch Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 51.01minutes
Dennis Welch returns as he talks about his own creativity. The two hosts and Dennis talk about publicity, marketing, social marketing and the projected trends of Creative Christians. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0055_Creative_Christians-_Dennis_Welch_Interview.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 1:52pm CST |
Sat, 23 January 2010
"Rich People Shop Here" an interview with author Dennis Welch Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 27.21 minutes
Generations continue as Author Dennis Welch shares the humorous and touching story of the influence of his mom and her life ministry in his book, “Rich People Shop here.” Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0054_Generations-_Rich_People_Shop_Here.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 1:46pm CST |
Fri, 22 January 2010
INSPIRATIONS Creative Christians 0053
Raising Creative Children Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 27.21minutes
The hosts ask the question, how can I help my child be creative? Bridgette Mongeon and Christina Sizemore share as they explore Chris’ own creative upbringing and practical things to do to help your own child explore their creativity as well as how to discover their learning styles. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0053_Creative_Christians-Raising_creative_children.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 3:06pm CST |
Mon, 28 December 2009
New Years, traditions and symbols Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 21.32 minutes
The year winds down as the two hosts take a look back on the past and reflect on the last year in creating the Inspiration/ Generations Podcast, and The Inspiration Creative Christian podcasts. They also talk about the New Years traditions and symbols.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0052_Inspirations_Generations-_New_Years_traditions_and_symbols.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 5:02pm CST |
Wed, 23 December 2009
Grief and loss through the holidays Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 20.46 minutes
For some the holidays can be very difficult as they work through their grief and loss of a loved one. The two hosts share the process that they have gone through as they remember the loss of their cohost, mother, and grandmother Barbara Ingersoll. They share tips for helping others work through the pain of holidays without a loved one.
Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0051_Inspirations_Generations-_Grief_and_loss_through_the_holidays.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:58pm CST |
Sat, 19 December 2009
Traditions and Symbols of Christmas Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 21.45 minutes
SHOW NOTES There are many traditions of Christmas- The two hosts share their own tradition of the upside down Christmas Tree and the history behind some of the common traditions and symbols of Christmas. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0050_Inspirations_Generations-_Traditions_and_Symbols_of_Christmas..mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 4:53pm CST |
Mon, 30 November 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0048 Creative Christians
Interview Author and Actor Susan Isaacs Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 58.24 minutes
SHOW NOTES Creative Christians Podcast continues in an interview with Author and Actor Susan Isaacs. Susan shares her disappointments in her creative Christian journey as well as her revelations. Anyone who wonders where God is in their creative journey should listen to this podcast Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0049_Creative_Christians-_Interview_Author_and_Actor_Susan_Isaacs.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:35pm CST |
Tue, 24 November 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0048 Book Review
"Angry Conversations with God." Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 30.19 minutes
SHOW NOTES Susan Isaacs shares her stories behind her new and humorous book "Angry Conversations With God A Snarky But Authentic Spiritual Memoir." Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0048_Generations-_Book_Review_Angry_Conversations_With_God.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:31pm CST |
Sun, 15 November 2009
![]() INSPIRATIONS_0047 Creative Christians
Helpful Insight and Tips from Christian Business Manager Michael Smith Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 44.46 minutes
SHOW NOTES Michael Smith of Michael Smith and Associates talks about managing Christian artists and gives some hints and suggestions to those wanting to get noticed in the business. An incredible interview with a man of incredible integrity. Michael Smith and Associates represents— Jaci Valsquez, Salvador, GoFish, Brad Stine, Aaron Wilburn, The Lads, Yancy, Tyler Dodds and God Men Conferences as well as Right Minded Records and Pure Blue Records labels. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0047_Creative_Christian-_Michael_Smith.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:53pm CST |
Thu, 5 November 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0046 Generations
The Torment of Mother Teresa Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
Listening time approximately 28.35 minutes
SHOW NOTES Mother Teresa suffered great spiritual torment in her personal life. Our co-host Barbara wrote about Mother Teresa and being able to identify with her words in her journal. Bridgette and Christian talk about feeling alone, or abandoned while serving God while they review the book, "Mothter Teresa: Come Be My Light- The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta" by Brian Kolodiejchuk Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0046_Generations-The_Torment_of_Mother_Teresa.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:41am CST |
Tue, 13 October 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0045 Creative Christians- Interview- Brad Stine Part 2 Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
an Interview with Comedian Brad Stine Listening time approximately 41.51 minutes
SHOW NOTES Christian Comedian Brad Stine talks about his creativity as a child, his creative process and the importance of Creativity in the Body of Christ. Part 2 Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0045_Creative_Christians-_Interview-_Brad_Stine_Part_2.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:13am CST |
Tue, 6 October 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0044 Creative Christians- Interview- Brad Stine Part 1 Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore
an Interview with Comedian Brad Stine Listening time approximately 31.07 minutes
SHOW NOTES Christian Comedian Brad Stine talks about his creativity as a child, his creative process and the importance of Creativity in the Body of Christ. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0044_Creative_Christians_Interview-_Brad_Stine_Part_1.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:06am CST |
Wed, 30 September 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0043 Creative Christians- Interview- Strand of Pearls Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore an Interview with Kellie Copeland Swisher
Listening time approximately 55.47 minutes
SHOW NOTES Kellie Copeland Swisher has been a creative Christian her entire life— working at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, making movies, developing children’s curriculum and her recent creative endeavor of Blue Grass Gospel singing group Strand of Pearls. In this interview she shares her thoughts on creativity and her inspiration. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0043_Creative_Christians-_Interview-_Strand_of_Pearls.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:27pm CST |
Sat, 19 September 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0042 Generations- Walking Through the Valley of The Shadow of Death Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore and
in spirit Barbara Ingersoll Listening time approximately 39.47 minutes
SHOW NOTES Kimberly Rose Carolan author of “Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death” shares with us some of her suggestions when coming to terms with death and grief. The two hosts share their stories as they too “walk through the valley.” Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0042_Generations-_Walking_through_the_Valley_of_the_Shadow_of_Death.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 3:23pm CST |
Sat, 12 September 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0041 Generations- Beginning to Read Barbara's Journals
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore and
in spirit Barbara Ingesoll Listening time approximately 21.38 minutes
SHOW NOTES The generational podcast continues as the two hosts talk about the journals of their mother/grandmother and their affect on their lives. Barbara continues to minister to others and her family through her own written words. Once again the women find that the Holy Spirit talks through and to each generation. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0041_Generations-Beginning_to_read_Barbaras_Journals.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 3:15pm CST |
Thu, 27 August 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0040 Memorial Service for Barbara Ingersoll
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore and in spirit Barbara Ingesoll
Listening time approximately 67 minutes
SHOW NOTES In loving memory of Barabar Ingersoll 1935- 2009. The memorial service was planned by Barbara many years before her death. It was held at The Tabernacle in Orchard Park New York. Those sharing were Tommy Reid, Rev. George Walsh, Rev. Don Hamlin from New Covenant Tabernacle, pastor JoAnn, and daughter Bridgette Mongeon. Music and song by Judy Zygmunt and Sr. Johnice. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0040_Geneartions-_Memorial_Service_for_Barbara_Ingersoll.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 10:02am CST |
Mon, 24 August 2009
INSPIRATIONS_0039 What happens at death?
Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore and in spirit Barbara Ingersoll
Listening time approximately 28 minutes
SHOW NOTES This podcast talks about the unusual circumstances or visits that Barbara had in the hospital from those relatives that had gone on before her. The experience of helping Barbara transition from this world to the next was an incredible experience. Her daughter and granddaughter share some of the wonderful spirit lead moments before Barbara’s death and how God had the entire experience in his hand. I loving memory of our co-host mom and grandmother Barbara Ingersoll On August 17th, 2009 Barbara Ingersoll went to be with the Lord. She will be greatly missed, however her ministry and this podcast continue with her many years of journals. Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart! PLEASE NOTE: You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.
Direct download: INSPIRATIONS_0039_Generations-_What_happens_at_death_.mp3
Category:Inspirations -- posted at: 9:59am CST |